Weiwei’s Winter Solstice:

A Dongzhi Story

This captivating picture book introduces the customs and traditions of an important Chinese holiday in a story that bursts with color and light to warm even the darkest days of winter.

It's Dongzhì, the winter solstice, the longest night of the year. Weiwei's family has moved to a new place, where instead of hummingbirds, palm trees, and chrysanthemum bushes, all she sees is a blanket of snow. This frozen place feels nothing like home.

But Dongzhì is all about finding warmth through togetherness, even in the depths of winter. With her family by her side, maybe Weiwei can do more than just endure the cold.

Informational back matter provides further context about the holiday and its history, along with a recipe for tang yuan, a traditional Dongzhì treat.

Author and Illustrator: Michelle Jing Chan

Art direction: Megan Abbate, Jeanette Levy

Publisher: Bloomsbury

Preorders available at the links below!